Subaru is trending bc of this and @drvox tweet, so I just wanted to thread some reasons I, a fervent outdoor enthusiast raised in Colorado, am extremely disappointed with @subaru_usa 1/
"AWD... 90% of which Subaru is introducing to the market, has a great opportunity to cope with recent climate change...."

read: Instead of risking profit, we'd rather risk the habitability of the planet, but at least you can drive through the disaster we caused in our car. 4/
ICYMI, automakers have been discontinuing sedans & producing crossovers for YEARS to get around fuel efficiency standards. Claim that "people don't buy sedans" to justify cutting standards even more, even though they took away that choice! 5/
I should also mention how much influence groups like the auto alliance have on rulemaking. Now we are paying for it. So Subaru driver, maybe you can't go camping this weekend because of smoke, but hey at least you have AWD if there's a massive flood as a result in a few months. 6
PS this is not to say she should get a Tesla either. But they aren't really comparable.
Oh I almost forgot to mention their recent commercial about a photographer who drove into a wildfire in a Subaru. Lets stop exploiting climate tragedies that you are the cause of
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