Currently at a level 3 evacuation in Molalla, Oregon.
So we just got a few guns pulled on us
We got 3 guns pulled on us at a militia style checkpoint. I’m with @MrOlmos and @PDocumentarians
none of us are white.
One of the dudes with the guns. First there was 3 men who approached me. More cars showed up
We’re safe. It’s scary knowing there are people who legitimately think “antifa liberals” are setting these towns on fire... we are very clearly documenting and interviewing folks. Our pictures were taken and so was the car and license plate
Molalla Fire District
Molalla Fire District, locals are dropping off cases of water and Gatorade as they evacuate the city
Ash is falling from the sky
North Molalla and Beavercreek evacuation warnings. “GO NOW”
I’m gonna be completely honest... that was scary as hell. Before Justin walked over one of the men cocked his assault rifle at me. They were 3 large assault rifles and extremely confrontational. We’re dressed in normal clothing and we’re wearing our press credentials
At Mulino State Airport where firefighters are currently on their way to station here as the fire department is now in a danger zone
Many trucks bringing in cases of water and Gatorade to where the firetrucks are stationing. Locals are terrified and devastated as they evacuate
Down on cascade highway where firetrucks are arriving to station at the local school, supplies are still being dropped off and the line of cars evacuating has no end in sight.
The animals 😿
Llamas on the field under a smoke filled sky
Oregon city now at a level 2 evacuation warning
Gas stations in Oregon city are packed. Long lines of cares prepping by filling their tanks to evacuate their homes
One of our friends who is also a journalist was in Estacada covering the fires and got a gun pulled on him we well.
As well*
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