a thread of questions for teumaes who constantly attack the other side of teumae twt bcs im genuinely curious why
1. why don’t you like gay little junkyu? its just a joke and it helps the lgbtq+ teumaes feel included
2. why do you hate the other side of teumae twt’s jokes?
3. why do you attack us for having opinions? like it isnt that deep 😔
4. why do you hate the ’fuck teumaes’ twibbon? other fandoms dont even take theirs seriously at this point bcs its all for shits and giggles
5. why do you kiss up to everything yg says and does for treasure? you speak more abt gay little junkyu than abt asahi and yoshi’s mistreatment
6. why do you guys sexualize the minor members but get mad at us for making a condom thread for a legal member and joking abt their big dick energy?
7. why are you guys not funny?
8. why do you guys care so much about our fandom’s ‘image’? we keep fighting each other for the smallest things
9. why are you guys sending threats to those who joke abt gay little junkyu?
10. why did you guys care so much about our fancams? it’s not harming anyone or the views
11. why are you guys constantly butthurt about anything the other side of teumae twt will say about you guys? we’re only complaining abt your behavior and there’s clearly a problem
12. [last question] why do you wanna cancel teumaes who are smart enough to know what is a joke and what isnt?
additional question, why do you guys think super king cow baby is cute, i personally think it’s embarrassing 😔
also this is a joke for obvious reasons
also a question from someone

TW // misgendering + homophobia + gore

why do you think it's ok to misgender lgbtq+ teumaes, use slurs against them and send them gore in DMs just because they call Junkyu gay?
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