spooky, magical, highly unfalsifiable and unverifiable experiences: a thread

1 - during a long meditation session I began to hear, audibly, something very large breathing behind me

it felt neutral and curious & I was determined to ignore all phenomenon like a good meditator
1.2 - I decided to finally turn around and as soon as I did, the breathing sound faded. obviously, there was nothing behind me.
2: I was casting spells with a Jupiterian flair--during the hour of Jupiter, listening to Jupiterian music, using a sigil that embodies Jupiter. I did one at work at 10:43 AM

at 1PM exactly I get this email

no link to visit, email doesn't exist on Google, literally nothing

2.2: I decide to play some poker and the run-good is WITH me that day, hitting everything through flips, playing real loose, on the lucky side for 349 hands--obviously variance exists but the cooccurrence is what I noted
3: another poker one, again casting a quick Jupiter sigil at work

the meeting after mine was named "Olympus Retro" which was cute

at the card room I hit QUAD 2s (odds: 407 to 1) and scoop a guy
the next hand
HE GETS QUAD 2S and scoops somebody as well
3.1: note: for this night I had also astrologically timed my first hand to start when Venus was the ruler of the ascendant and located in the 5th house
3.2: generally speaking this was a period during which I was casting Jupiter/luck spells almost every day and weird shit was happening constantly, both mundane and spooky

e.g. someone misread their hand and mucked and gave me it all; should have chopped
3.3: found 3-4 of those silica packs in some kale chips that I bought where there's normally one

it's stupid but I wonder if that's a form of "luck"
4: first learning about the occult and contemplating the left hand path, I spent the day musing about gaining enough power to become a god, I decide on a whim to watch Guardians of the Galaxy 2

what's that about? oh, just a being called Ego existing so long it became a god
4.1: I knew NOTHING about the movie besides seeing the first one; the amount of sheer synchronicity destroyed me
4.2: interestingly during the part at which Ego teaches Quill how to control his power he starts by summoning balls of energy which I presume is a lift from psi-balls

which I spent a lot of time in high school making
5: highly unverifiable but I'm pretty sure in high school I was able to get twitchy people to stop twitching their legs very briefly by focusing on it

and making very noisy cats stop meowing by projecting a soothing and calm energy (from another room)
6: road-opening spell for ideas to make a project successful as a little pilot trial for the spell I was going to cast for someone else

the next day in the shower I suddenly had 3-4 great ideas from an angle I had never considered, on a project I was thinking about every day
7: I have so many tarot stories I consider it cheating, but... stories with strangers:

- could tell that an acquaintance had been cheated on
- shocked a skeptic by asking if he owned his own business from all his leadership cards
- generally, you can spot divorce a mile away
8: my first skeptical sigil to meet an "interesting and fuzzy animal"

at a weird variety show, I participate and get... a plastic T-Rex as a reward. no biggie, until I get back to my seat and the woman next to me hands me a tiny plastic velociraptor to match

8.1: my friend points out that this could qualify as a fuzzy animal, esp. considering they were probably actually feathered, and it's certainly interesting

I'd disregard this one if it were just the T-Rex (it was in a box that I picked personally), but the lady just having one..
9: reading The Messengers I encounter a passage on holotropic breathwork (from a different book I was JUST reading), and a mention of Bill Hicks having incredible psychedelic mushroom/ufo experiences

chills, b/c Bill Hicks was definitely an early myth figure for me, but also -
literally the next instant I check Facebook and get this in my face

AFAIK Facebook does not yet have mind-reading (or Kindle-reading) technology
10: minor - I found myself seeing and contemplating death many places as well; lots of art, approaching Halloween, and for my morning tarot draw I got Death

that night was the Las Vegas massacre
11: while contemplating manifestation I found myself idly musing about using spells for things that aren't particularly important like a free/cheap memory-foam bed

next morning someone on FB posts about giving away their twin--not memory-foam but free!
11.1: another time I was thinking about couches and that day I come home and someone has abandoned a couch right outside the stairwell of my apartment

I feel like the universe was responding to my lackluster musing with equally lackluster results
12: have been contemplating a potential role in a field that may be emotionally strenuous. while checking my email just now I saw that someone subscribed to my newsletter with an usual email address in the form of a pointed question about job satisfaction
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