what is feminism, a thread:
I often see people debating on how feminism is letting women enjoy the equal rights as men lets see how correct this statement is, back in 1913 there was a foundation namely Rockefeller which was a New York-based foundation who funded a small group of people with the+
ideologies including equal rights as men,getting same wages, and a right to vote. so the group started getting bigger once rockefeller’s & CIA helped brought them into the limelight, they were brought up on the tv newspapers separate books were written on how women don’t need men
why would such a big foundation promote a small group of people?there were two primary reasons for promoting an anti-men group. first they couldn’t tax half the population before women’s lib & second now they could get the children to their schools at an early age in order to+
indoctrinate the kids how to think. the moment constitutes fortress & speculations they were influencing the law,court,education system and minds of other women trick them into whatever life they’re living is a life of a slave,of how they are dependent on men
they say they don’t need men which is practically possible because the technology is so modern that woman can have a baby without the direct intervention of a man. many other efforts are being made to poison brains of the society by writing books, songs and other means
Sheila Cronin a radical feminist leader once said “since marriage constitutes slavery for woman, its clear that women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. freedom without the abolition of marriage can’t be achieved for a woman” Gloria steimen the leader+
of feminism American moment once said “By the year of 2000 I want to raise our children to believe in potential of human and not God” when we talk about feminism it’s not just about equal rights but there are some rules that feminism has introduced which says anti family+
promotes lesbianism & other deviant behaviours & practices,they talk about the patriarchal society it says the only way women are going to be free is by divorcing men even it says “women don’t need god they need women”women are so confused about their roles in the society it’s+
cuz massive efforts are being done under the name of feminism.people are doing it for their mean benefits by makin women think they’re upliftin each other by supportin each other under the name of feminism. know the history before leadin a group under some name u aren’t sure bout
even today most of the people follow this moment in fact some muslim women as well without knowing the agenda the real agenda behind it which is quite obvious, they are attacking the moral values which are for the welfare of families and societies
talking about west many priest & ministers of the church in the 20th century were asked about women they said that woman are soul less creatures,they don’t have a soul while islam gave women that every right which benefits her. no ideology no political movement no army no power+
no civilisation no education system has ever given women the rights that Islam has given 1400 years ago. Woman were being buried alive & young girls were being killed in infancy. don’t get into the heat of the moment ladies
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