Society’s leaders have corrupted the nuclear family

Here are 5 ways to save your children, and in doing so save the world

First you may be asking:

What’s happened to our families?
What can we do about it?

Those questions and more are answered herein

The very survival of our species depends on addressing the intentional destruction of our families

Join me as we fight for our lives

(Part 1):

1. What happened?
2. Values
3. Strength
4. Self defense
5. Diet
6. Drugs/Alcohol

Let’s begin
1. What happened?

Evolution answers all

The nuclear family is the result of thousands of iterations of evolutionary trial-and-error

It’s a perfectly adapted human survival structure

When the nuclear family is secure, humans are strong

And that’s the problem…
We became too strong

Those that wished to lead us were met by the the unmoving ramparts of a strong father, a nurturing mother, and their loving children

Families, by the thousands, offered a check on the powers of armies and kings
And it was a fair fight, at first

A moral, mutually strengthening fight

But when the stakes are this high, victors rarely fight fair

And our would-be leaders eventually discovered: a house divided cannot stand
So divide us they did

Deliberately, methodically

They made us weak where we were strong, and powerless where we were powerful

They atomized us, humiliated us, stripped us of our essence

Turned black to white, up to down

And turned our gaze outward


All power is predicated on control

And it’s easier to control that which is weak

So our weakness became their imperative, and they’ve been mortally successful

What did they do, specifically? And how do we fight back?

Read on
2. Values

By subverting our values they’ve killed our very souls

“Moral relativism” doesn’t just blur the line between good and evil

It blurs the line between true and false

And without truth, without knowing what is real, we accept anything as God

And that’s the point
So what do we do? Steal our values back! Define them, consciously and deliberately

Write them down, and make your family memorize them

Draw a line in the sand and declare proudly what you believe. Don’t let anyone define them for you

I recommend starting with 'Truth'
Your values are sacred. They form the lens through which you see the world

They inform your decisions, and offer a framework for how you go about each day

Without properly defined values you’re creating a dangerous and powerful vacuum

One your leaders would be happy to fill
3. Strength

They’ve made you weak, literally

What a happy accident that the average male testosterone level has been steadily decreasing for the past 100 years

What a happy accident that boys are daily discouraged and shamed, chastened for any nascent display of power
When you are weak, you can’t fight

That much is obvious

But there’s a more insidious implication of this planned human wilting

When you are weak, you lose your WILL to fight

And that’s the source of your leaders’ true power
So what to do? Get strong of course!

Get as strong as your genes will allow

Train your muscles like your life depends on it (because it does)

And accept nothing less from your family and friends

Make strength a virtue once again, and never negotiate your training
4. Self defense

They pray you never read this

They depend on your willful ignorance of vi0lence

They hope you remain defenseless, so they can offer their ‘protection’ (at the steepest of costs)

A man with integrity who also understands vi0lence is the best protector there is
Teach your children how to fight

Yes, fight

Teach them how to inflict vi0lence on another

Teach them WHEN to use vi0lence, and when to use diplomacy

And teach them to use it honorably

But teach them vi0lence nonetheless

Because it will certainly be inflicted upon them
Teach them how to safely operate a fire@rm

It’s incredibly irresponsible to have no idea how to use a g*n

Pray you never need it

But if you do, and can't use it

You are a liability, the wrong kind of 'dangerous'

This is easily solved with a few weekends at the g*n range
5. Diet

This is a particularly nefarious trick by your elites

The diet of our ancestors, the one our very GUTS evolved to prefer

Has been jettisoned for the most horrendous creations science could muster

90% of the foods in your grocery store are designed to make you WEAK
And what’s worse? While they make you weak, they make your enemies rich

There is an inverse relationship between a food’s nutritional value and its profit margins

Your leaders know this, and they exploit it readily

They laugh while you willingly poison your family
REFUSE to feed your family garbage

Seed oils, processed carbohydrates, chemical preservatives, CORN SYRUP

Here is your rule of thumb:

If a food contains ingredients you can’t pronounce, it isn’t fit for your family

JERF: Just Eat Real Food
There is no ‘perfect’ diet that suits every single person

But what we can say with certainty, is that the standard modern diet doesn’t suit anyone

Diseases and morbidities unheard of a century ago, now kill millions of us a year

This is according to their plan
6. Drugs/Alcohol

Question: what’s easier to control than a soulless, fat, lazy moron?

Answer: a DRUNK soulless, fat, lazy moron

Alcohol and [most] drugs impair cognitive function. That tells you all you need to know about how your rulers view them

(hint: they want you drunk)
But they don’t just want you drunk, they want you INCAPACITATED

They want your view of the world obfuscated so they can continue to operate holding your family captive

Alcohol is already ubiquitous in media and commerce

Soon all manner of other drugs will be sold in Walgreens
Not to mention the prescription 'painkillers’ they dole out like skittles


The drunker you are, the dumber you are

The more diminished your faculties, the more you are ‘numb’, the less likely you are to see what’s happening and fight back
To twist the blade, they’ve manufactured a view of masculinity where binge drinking and losing all agency is considered ‘manly’

There's nothing masculine about being a hunched-over slob

If that describes you:

You are an embarrassment

You are weak
Does reading that make you uneasy? GOOD

That’s your cognitive dissonance speaking...listen to it

Every day you waste drunk is a day you’ll never get back

Your 5 senses are miraculous adaptations, don’t dull them

What to do instead?
Never, EVER become drunk in front of your family

They put you on a pedestal, rightly so

You're their leader, and by being drunk you are showing them you’re unfit to lead

They’ll either slowly come to resent your weakness, or they’ll grow to emulate you

Either way you’ve lost
If you’ve read this far, good

There is hope for us yet

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Is this list complete? Of course not

I will release Part 2 when this account has 1000 followers
Part 2 will cover:

6. Pornography
7. Entertainment
8. Ancestors
9. Attraction
10. Behavior modeling
11. Is that all?

With great enough numbers I believe our victory is inevitable

But it will be hard fought

Thank you for reading, and thank you for joining the fight
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