Democrats on the coronavirus are yipping like third-grade blowhards bragging about how they would have kicked the bully's ass if only they had been on the playground that day, while everyone remembers them hiding in a bush and trying not to wet their pants
We just caught a top Democrat ON VIDEO disregarding coronavirus protocols, they've been encouraging their extremist wing to riot nuts-to-butts in the streets for months, and they're all on the record getting everything wrong in March and April.
Biden argued AGAINST containing the virus with a travel ban. Andrew Cuomo thwarted measures that would have saved thousands of lives across America, and then he DELIBERATELY KILLED thousands more, to thunderous applause from Democrats and their media.
But now they want to gaslight us into thinking they had the right magic spells to banish the coronavirus demon all along, and if only the senile old man they're running for president had been in charge, we'd all be so much better off? It's absurd and beneath contempt.
Here's the cold, hard truth: Democrats have ALWAYS put politics ahead of fighting the virus and public safety, every single time. They encouraged, enabled, and protected protests and riots in the streets, claiming the woke virus won't bother people with pure lefty hearts.
Democrats hyper-politicized the pandemic every step of the way, on a scale far beyond anything Trump ever stated or misstated on the disease. They're still doing it RIGHT NOW. Do they think we've forgotten them holding relief bills hostage to get their stupid policy wish lists?
Do Democrats think we don't notice one of their most powerful political factions, the teachers' unions, holding children hostage to get THEIR policy agenda fulfilled? The crap they've done isn't just rhetorical. It's all actions on the record they cannot take back.
Trump, and every wing of government, can be fairly criticized for getting things wrong with the Wuhan coronavirus. Everyone around the world did, in no small part because of deliberate Chinese misinformation campaigns. Everyone's confidence was repeatedly shaken.
Everyone panicked, and then panicked again. Not just politicians, but scientists, were stampeded into forgetting what they knew about infectious diseases and swinging from one extreme measure to another in a mad rush to DO SOMETHING. Much of what they did was mistaken.
But it's the Democrats who have relentlessly, remorselessly politicized this pandemic, every day and in every way. They didn't just make mistakes. They sought to extract political gain from every moment of uncertainty, and blatantly exempted themselves from heavy-handed rules.
We need to study everything that happened this year with clear eyes and learn from our mistakes. Few could claim they didn't make any. Claiming that only Donald Trump got things wrong is ridiculous, and the last thing we need right now is nonsense from blowhard politicians.
And when it comes to moving forward, to rebuilding, the last people we should trust are the Democrats who thought first and foremost of their own political gain at every turn. You know damn well they would turn recovery into a twisted carnival of corruption and lunatic policies.
Trump proved he knows how to create jobs and put America's national interests first. Moving forward, that matters a lot more than his rhetorical excesses - and I'd take his riffing and boasting over Democrat gaslighting campaigns any day of the week. /end
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