Gonna post my favorite Doona Bae~ & Seungwoo Jo~ moments just because
Count the "Doona Bae~" 😩🖤
(sub ala kadarnya)
Dialogue rehearsal but add a ton of cuteness 🌝😭
The legendary NG Loop 🤣
Kids 👧🏻👦🏻
🗣👩🏻✨ 🥺-> ☺️
because this so cute aku gemes
Their interaction is so smooth and effortless ✨

(멍때렸어 : zoning out / dazing out,
consist of noun 멍 : zoned out and verb 때리다 : hit/beat
CSW plays with the word and I don't know better way to write it in english i'm sorry)
Deja Vu?
Yeah, deja vu
Ep 11&12 making video but only Seungwoo Jo and Doona Bae. They can actually just release unedited footage for like 2 hours and we'll watch it anyway..

(fixed some typo and grammar error)
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