Something important - the NUMBER of studies supporting a position is completely meaningless if the QUALITY of those studies is low
49 bad studies are not as useful, from an evidence point of view, as 1 good one. You can collate 100s of pieces of shoddy, poorly-done research and still have no idea if something is true
For example, there have been literally hundreds of studies on hydroxychloroquine. Most of them are woeful, some are decent, and a few are really good

The really good ones are pretty much the driving force behind decision-making
The point is that a poorly-done study doesn't allow you to answer questions. You can repeat the process of not answering a question as many times as you want, you still won't be able to conclude anything meaningful
If you say "but [x] studies are positive!" about a scientific point, you've completely misunderstood how the process works
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