Heres a fucking thread on everything ghost did (if they/their whiteknights find this im deleting it btw)
Alright just a reminder that i dont have any proof of these things bc they either deleted it or said it live so feel free to take this with a grain of salt
Also these are going to be in chronological order from older to most recent cases
// rape ment, animal abuse ment

Back in 2016, when they were on tumblr they joked about rape while replying to a fan about a kennith headcanon, they also treated their house being infestated with fleas like a joke, while their cats were very distressed by it-
Not only that but they got mad at their fan from drawing Kennith in fishnets while their s/o drew straight up Kennith porn and they laughted at it;
This isn't really new, but Communications is full of ableism and queerphobia. The way they portrayed mentally ill people as abusive and evil while portraying neurotypicals as the victims to it, while also relying on LGBTQ+ stereotypes;
In 2017, they abandoned their friend during a suicidal period, and then they made up a bunch of rumours about them (i know they apologized for this, but it was only when Shius spoke about it in public and people started to call them out on that);
Speaking of ableism, we all know that Candle Queen is very ableist, and they apologized two times (first apology was deleted, they also only apologized when they were being called out) so i'm just going to mention it without giving much detail;
In 2019, they were selling charms and one of them didn't arrive to the fan's house. They refused to give them their money back and acted very defensive about it (keep in mind they said they would refund fans if the charms didn't arrive);
// pedophilia kinda???

Charon is portrayed in a very childish way, yet at the same time he's very lewded??? I know that canonly he's 20, but still, it's fucking disgusting that he acts like a child and is sexualized;
Well, being honest their discord server is really similiar to Yandev's. They ban people if they even dare to mention Communications/Ghostie-P, banned a person because they asked if Arc and Say purred, and totally blacklisted mental illness from their server.
Alright thats it
Cant wait until GHOST's whiteknights find this and start harassing me đŸ„°

Also this is fucking disgusting
Ok they also used narcissist as an insult when refering to arc, a whole ass cannibal murderer
The ableism is out of this world i cant-
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