I'm finally playing #GhostofTsushima and I've developed a set of strategies that other players may find helpful. 1/
Taking a Fort:
-While riding towards the location, unexpectedly run into a Stand-off (What better way to surprise the enemy than by first surprising oneself?)
-Mis-time your strike, stumbling into a pitched fight without full Resolve. (Lowering the expectations of the enemy) 2/
-As the enemy descends en masse, break into full retreat (the lack of dignity fills the enemy with complacency)
-Once you've thinned the enemy out in the forests, now strike! (On failure, retreat again, Pride is not your friend) 3/
-Eventually the enemy will lose interest (Their boredom is your strength!)
-Slowly make your way back to the fort, using fire arrows whenever possible (who needs a head shot when you have fire?!) 4/
-Loot as you go to resupply those fire arrows (because you have foregone all pretense to strategy the enemy will respond in kind, clumping together, making the fire even more effective)
-Kill any witnesses to the debacle so your Legend grows without any "complications" 5/
Now that you've mastered the art of taking a fort, my strategy for hunting:
-Riding to a location note that you just ran into a bear
-Keep running. Is that a group of Mongols?
-Let the Mongols fight the bear
-Kill survivor (bear or human)
-Loot everyone 6/
I hope my strategy guide helped you to unleash the Samurai inside you. Please remember to rate, review and smash that Subscribe button!
I was just in a house and an NPC fell down from a ladder right in front of me. At first I thought it was a glitch but you know what? People fall off of ladders. That's life. I appreciate the verisimilitude, makes the stakes feel higher.
Two things I did not expect to do so much of in this game:
-Follow tracks (with my terrible eyesight, I find them really hard to see)
-Compose poetry (lot of hand holding here so it's fine)
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