New pinned tweet, credit to @tweetcendrum

A short Q and A to everyone who keeps asking the same questions over and over, so we can save both of our time. If you want more details, read a feed like @K1ntsu61 practically any day of the week.
Q1: "But it's illegal"
A1: "So's this and this and this and those aren't bad things"

Q2: "But it hurts animals"
A2: "There's no sign of harm or data suggesting harm in consensual partners. The German Federal Court distinguishes between harm free and harmful interspecies sex"
Q3: "But they can't consent"
A3: "Body language"

Q4: "But they can't say yes or no"
A4: "It doesn't work that way, see this and this and this"...
Q5: "But they're like children"
A5: "No they're developmentally complete, mentally stable, and not members of society"

Q6: "But STDs"
A6: "They're not really a thing"
Q7: "Why are you defending hurting animals"
A7: "That's abuse, we rally against abuse just like with humans"

Q8: "But they don't mate for pleasure"
A8: "That's categorically false"
Q9: "It's morally wrong"
A9: "So's pineapple on pizza"

Q10: "It's disgusting/gross"
A10: "That's nice. Have a biscuit"
Q11: "You're mentally ill"
A11: "DSM-5."

Q12: "Get help"
A12: "Got help"
Q13: "You're just raping them"
A13: GOTO A3

Q14: "Animals are just like toddlers"
A14: GOTO A5
Q15: "They only mate for reproduction"
A15: GOTO A8

Q16: "It's a disorder"
A16: GOTO A11
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