Finally decided to read "White Power" by GLR
This was on page 6
Page 8 vs 2016
Page 9, GLR cites FBI crime statistics long before it was cool
Page 9 again. Aside from some anachronistic language and a strange lack of green frogs, this could've just as easily been written by our guys today
We look on in astonishment today at what GLR was living through 60 years ago
Page 12.
Holy fuck, this hits hard
Evidence that @heywildrich has channeled GLR on at least one occasion
GLR vs 2020
It really wouldn't take much to edit this book so far into something normie friendly and try to racialize them
Can relate tbh
GLR nails the attraction to woke politics and attacks irony in the same page
This kills the normie
This is becoming a excerpts thread
Regrettably, GLR would not live to see Dracula answer that very question
"what even is white?"
We don't live in the timeline where you could buy GLR and Ted K a round of drinks and listen to them compare notes 🙁
GLR would be foaming at the mouth with rage to see what's happening with Syria
The US supporting its future adversaries through an intermediary is not a new tactic apparently
This is *not* describing Trump, for the 2% of readers still on the Trump train for some reason
Another passage that could've easily been written today. How many times have we seen this just in the last 2 decades? To say nothing of Assad's supposed annual """gassing""" of civilians
This really is a perfect book so far. The way he builds up to his ideas makes it an excellent entry point for newcomers while offering depth and historical context for more seasoned people
>brawls on the tl have passed
Alright, resuming my reading of White Power, GLR dunks on the idea that the FBI would ever do shit about commie j infiltrators
World War two more like world war jew
On "art"
Reminder that the American civil rights movement was less about black empowerment and more about jws weaponizing them to ruin a white country
Glad they stopped there, right?
He don't miss
This screenshot should be the default reply to any Hebrew nonsense on the tl
Spitting fire
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