A masterpost of pictures that make me happy (will be continuously updated)....
This 1963 photograph of Yuri Gagarin
A couple of dudes waiting for the music to start at the disco. Sochi, 1981

Credit for this and the previous pic @sovietvisuals
When you update the autopsy report
wholesome polyamory
This photo of borscht I had randomly saved in my folders.

(I need to learn to make borscht cause my mom hasn't done it in years)
more nostalgic Slavic cuisine:

pelmeni: meat (or tofu 🙃) dumplings served with herbs and sour cream
So far this thread has inexplicably been a lot of post-Soviet nostalgia so here's some classic good shit
Sleeping Hermaphroditus is a Rennaisance sculpture by an unknown artist, depicting the original Greek god who came to be from a freak merging accident between Hermes and Aphrodite.

Original trans icon.
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