I don't see the utility of Raytas anymore in the current times. They can neither shift the Overton Window (which is mostly done by 'trad' Hindus) nor they can build a Grand Narrative. In the name of Hindu Unity, they throw Brahmins under the bus. They're just a liability now. 1/n
It's essential to thin the herd time and again for the collective growth of tribe. I think it's time. Often in every famous podcast either by Guruji or by popular 'RW Hindu' commentators, they bitch and moan about proper Hindus or go for monkey balancing act given any issue. 2/n
Be it setting up a narrative for Greatness of Hindu Culture, Exposition of ancient literature, freeing temples and on many other issues they haven't contributed anything that can be considered significant. Exposing 'liberandus' is okay but tribalism is even more important. 3/n
It's not wise or advisable to be election mode 24/7. The growth of tribe depends on quality along with quantity, hence ideological clarity is extremely important. Recent example of Raytas either being quiet or being apologetic is stark example of lacking quality in Raytas. 4/n
Understanding of Varna-Jati, Stance on Beef, Abusing Shankaracharyas/Siding with those who abuse him, using terms 'smashing patriarchy', Utter contempt for Brahmins etc. All these are the tell-tale signs that we need to thin the herd. Raytas are an absolute liability. n/n
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