Next person with a nuclear "All TERFs are literally Nazis" take in my mentions gets put on QT and mocked as thoroughly as I can manage.
It turns out that there's a huge amount of transphobia in the world that is sub-fascist, as well as racism and misogyny and ablism, eugenic logic, carceral politics, stuff that leads to large scale murder in the form of wars even.

Quite a lot of it is done by liberals.
This thread wasn't really an invitation to discuss the tenets and warning signs of Ur Fascism or Proto Fascism or the merits of Sartre or Eco on the fascist mind or anything else. I just want people to stop replying to stuff I say with "yeah, TERFs are literally Nazis"
Just please get an analysis of politics that goes beyond turning the noise level up to full noise.
You can follow @Chican3ry.
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