fuck it: Star Trek TOS trivia quiz I stole from Quidd thread
What technology on the enterprise is Bones scared of?
In TOS episode "The Man Trap", what mineral did the M-113 creature drain from humans?
Who was the only actor to appear in both TOS pilots?
What is the name of the young man who was given powers by the Thasians?
What do the children of Miri's planet call adults?
Who was the first character ever to be knocked tf out by Spock's vulcan nerve pinch?
How many times was the phrase "Beam me up, Scotty" said in the original series?
Which celebrity helped keep Star Trek on the air despite its hefty production costs?
Who invented the first words of the Klingon language?
What class of ship is the Enterprise?
Who is usually on the left helm? (Don't you dare google a photo, follow that heart of yours)
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