Ok since this needs to be said:
I don't hate being single. Given the way life has played out, I will be going into my 40s a single woman. While I love the life I have now and will have after the pandemic, phrases like "At least you're not being cheated on" and
"At least your time is your own" or any other variation of an "At least your not..." or "At least you don't..." statement aren't helpful. I've cried myself to sleep out of sheer loneliness thanks to the pandemic keeping me shut in with my thoughts and at no time did remembering
What's not there help. Once outside is safe and I have more ways to cope at my disposal and this won't bother me as much. It's normal and healthy to be absolutely fine being single but still crave a loving, supportive, healthy, happy relationship. I can do both at the same time.
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