lets take a look at the wlw representation in ryan murphy’s shows shall we?
santana and brittany hooking up was supposed to just be one of the show’s jokes and the writers had no intention to develop their relationship at all, if it hadn’t been for the fact that naya fought to make it good rep.
santana then basically had a coming out story line through s2 and the beginning of s3, but when it came to her actual coming out ep, it circled about her straight male friend (finn). her GIRLFRIEND on the outer hand, didn’t even have a single line in the whole episode.
brittany’s bisexuality was also used as a joke and she barely got any place in the storyline, finn and rachel had more scenes connected to santana’s coming out than brittany had. and that’s just fucked up.
then they were basically used as a sidekick relationship to klaine the entire series, to a point where they even had to share their wedding with them. in conclusion: brittana deserved better
ahs: asylum
TW/ rape, conversion therapy, homophobia etc

first of all, lana, the only main lesbian character this season, is by far the character who got treated the worst. lana went through conversion therapy, her girlfriend was murdered after like 5 episodes, (1/2)
she was kidnapped and raped by a man and then forced to carry his child, and a LOT of other crazy shit happened to that woman. (2/2)
lana is one of the most well written characters on the series tho, and ryan’s did give her screentime (which he robbed brittana off) however, neither of her relationships were properly developed even tho she had two gf’s and her being a lesbian was a big part of the story
ahs: hotel

alright, so I don’t remember much about elizabeth and ramona’s relationship in hotel but as I remembered it, it was very short story line and it was mostly about sex.
ahs: cult

the first main lesbian relationship on a ryan murphy show since glee! yay! one thing tho: one of the lesbians will try to drive her wife crazy by triggering said wife’s phobias and by the end of the season her wife kills her. great representation right?

we basically know nothing about ratched’s wlw rep so far but in the new trailer they specifically speak about curing ‘lesbianism’ not homosexuality. and this will be the 2nd show ryan’s done that’s partly about lesbian conversion therapy
so basically, gays get emotional speeches from their fathers about how they’re accepted but lesbians get told in a million different way how they can get cured, you go ryan!
honorable mentions:
foxxay being used as queer bait and zadison having a relationship solely based on a threesome and their love triangle with kyle
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