the latest from that vast laboratory for policy failure known as california where 30 years of bad "green" policy have now ensured massively increased fire danger and size.

this is not climate change, it's bad forestry policy.

and it is 99% preventable.
for the last 90 years, forest policy in california has gone from good, to bad, to worse, to downright dangerous.

they used to harvest timber, thin trees, and cut brush

this managed fire risk and provided a logging and paper industry with incentives to manage and replant forests
it was a classic win/win.

but then the eco-lobbies dismantled it, bit by bit. logging got banned to save the snowy owl. this harmed forests and upped danger. it also did not save the owls as their issue was predation by other raptors, not habitat loss.

classic eco miss.
and this has snowballed for 30 years into an utter morass of laws that make it impossible to log, thin forests, clear brush, or even cut down dead trees on your own land to create defensible space.

the forests are overcrowded, unhealthy, and hazardous.
this is one of those obvious, simple issues. it's not some exotic fix, it's just a return to tried and true forestry practice that worked for 80 years.

it simply requires telling the truth: that these forests will burn, but how badly is up to those who manage them.
the problem is that it's wrapped up in decades of ecological fairytales based on presumption that get treated like religious doctrine.

these tales of "saving the earth" were mostly wrong and nearly always ignored the trade offs.

they are now a gordian knot immobilizing CA.
it's striking that a group so obsessed w/ the externalities of everyone else's actions never seem to take into account the effects and trade offs of their own preferred policies

they are obsessed with the CO2 from your car, yet ignore it when 2 million acres of forest burn

and the new dogma being piled on top, that these fires are caused by "climate change," just makes it worse.

it's one more layer of faith healing keeping a patient who needs medical attention away from the doctor.

it's obscuring the real cause and the real tradeoffs.
contrary to what seems to be taught in school these days, reality is not optional.

forest fores do not care how they make you feel and you cannot just call them racist until they are cowed into silence.

they need real forestry management and real solutions.
i legitimately wonder what it will take to get california to see this.

they seem to choose "sounds good but works disastrously" every time.
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