— facts about the stigma around mental health and what we can do together to overcome it ; a thread that everyone should read 🌿🌸
first off: mental health is JUST as important as physical health and it needs to be treated as such.

your attitude towards mental health could change someone’s life.
1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem, which means you probably know someone struggling with their mental health. this is why it is so important we get rid of the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health.
almost 9 out of 10 people with mental health problems say that the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health illnesses have a negative impact on their lives.
many people believe that people with bad mental health are violent and dangerous. this is WRONG. in fact, someone with a mental illness is more likely to be a victim of violence than inflict it.
the media hugely contributes to this stigma. the media portrays ‘mental illness = violence & crime & unable to live normal lives’ when this is NOT the case at all. the media exaggerate things to get you to listen to what they’re saying, even if it’s not the full truth.
casual stigma exists and needs to be challenged. using the term ‘OCD’ without having the disorder is contributing to stigma. ‘they’re mental / they’re nuts’ is also contributing to stigma and you need to challenge anyone around you that you hear saying that.
just because someone goes to work, leaves the house, socialises, etc does NOT mean they aren’t mentally ill. being high functioning does not exclude the chance of them having a mental health problem. don’t make their mental illness harder to deal with by not believing them.
65% of people with mental health problems experienced stigma in their friendships. you could’ve been one of those people that allowed the stigma to happen, or contributed to it, even if it was unknowingly.
stigma & discrimination around mental health needs to stop because it prevents people asking for help. you would ask for help if you had a physical illness so why is it made so hard for people with a mental illness?
YOU can challenge this stigma by:
- having contact with people with experience of mental health problems and LISTEN TO THEIR STORIES
- look for reliable sources for descriptions of mental heath illnesses (these can include charities like Mind, or the NHS website)
- don’t let the stigma affect you asking for help.
- if you have a mental illness, you are NOT your illness. you are not anxious, you have an anxiety disorder. you are not bipolar, you have bipolar disorder. you are not depressed, you have depression. etc, etc.
- a lot of stigma is based off of a lack of understanding, and definitely not based off of facts. listen to the facts and not the people around you who aren’t educated. use reliable sources as mentioned above.
- don’t ignore a cry for help from someone you know because you think
they’re attention seeking. seeking attention is nothing to be ashamed about, it shows how strong they are to ask for help.
- recognise that opening up about a mental illness is hard and don’t force anybody to open up until they’re ready. when they’re ready, listen to them.
- if you know someone is mentally ill, do not avoid them. they need your support. you wouldn’t avoid somebody with a physical illness so why would you avoid somebody with a mental illness? they are still the same person you know.
- if one of your friends is mentally ill, still invite them to everything you would invite your other friends to!! even if they say no every time. it’s nice and reassuring to feel wanted, even if they can’t do what you’re inviting them to.
to end on a really positive note : most people who experience mental health problems recover fully, or are able to live with and manage their mental health problems. you can get through this. if you’re looking for a sign not to give up, this is it. 🤍
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