I’m a behaviorist. I have a PhD. I’d like to present some science-based ways to get your friends and loved ones to the polls.

(1) Echoing some really good advice you are sharing: make a plan with them. Know when they are going to vote and how. Request absentee ballots if needed.
(2) Identify barriers that are getting in the way of voting.

⚡️No time?
⚡️Lack of knowledge about candidates?
⚡️Don’t know where polling place is?
⚡️Lack of ID (where applicable)?
⚡️Don’t like candidates?
⚡️Don’t think their vote makes a difference?
(3) Brainstorm a couple of solutions. Let me help you.

⚡️Lack of time

Getting and returning a mail-in ballot is easy. You don’t need to leave the comfort of your own home except to go to the mailbox. Postage on a ballot is free.

In many states, you can request a ballot online.
⚡️Lack of knowledge about candidates

Educate yourself on Biden’s platform. Go to http://joebiden.com . They have resources, such as this graphic, where you can learn about Joe’s policies.

When you know more, you can teach.

Remember that this website is the official source.
⚡️Don’t know where polling place is

It’s probably on the back of their voter ID card. Or, they can look it up here: https://www.vote.org/polling-place-locator/

Help ensure they have transportation to and from the poll. If you are comfortable, offer to drive them yourself. Otherwise, make a plan.
⚡️Lack of ID

Help your friend check with their local State Board of Elections to see whether an ID is necessary for voting.

Or go here: https://www.usa.gov/voter-id 

If an ID is needed, get it early. Make an appointment at your local DMV. The line will be long, & appts are limited.
⚡️Don’t like the candidate

Not a Biden fan? Ask them to vote for democracy.

Trump is systematically tearing down the democracy Americans hold dear. Between gassing protesters, kids in cages, voter suppression, flagrant law violations, & more, he must go.

Biden can get him out.
⚡️Don’t think their vote makes a difference

Remind them Trump won by only 80,000 votes. If everyone thought their vote wouldn’t matter, we’d be in a huge(r) mess.

Further, every single vote makes a difference in downballot (local) elections. Our state and local leaders matter.
Another thing: if they are not registered to vote, they can do so NOW at http://iwillvote.com .

While you’re at it, check your own voter registration before it’s too late. 😉
(4) Now that you’ve brainstormed solutions together, have them pick one that they’re willing to try.

Have them rank from 0-10, where 10 is super easy and 0 is extremely difficult, how easy it would be to use this strategy.
(5) Help them identify something they can do to make it even easier.

Example: They want to get to their polling place, now that they know where it is. Help them come up with ways: Uber, drive yourself, take a bus, call a friend...

Help them practice what they can say, if needed
Write down their plan and their voting date (if they vote early) on their calendar.

Check on them the day before to make sure they don’t forget or need a ride, etc. Or check to ensure they mailed in their ballot.
Some things to avoid:

❗️Words like “should” and “must”

People don’t like to be bossed around. Try “you can” and “it’s important to.”

❗️Shoving a candidate down their throat

Yes, we hope they’ll vote Biden. But in the end, they need the tools to make their own educated choice.
Other issues? Brainstorm solutions together and then come up with ways to overcome that barrier.

Remember there are two key forces in behavior: barriers and facilitators. Facilitators are the GOOD things that can help someone make a behavior change. Example: love for country.
You’re also bumping up again someone’s will and desires, which may override any facilitators. But if you can help them know they CAN do it, chances are higher that they WILL.

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