Unless they’ve got a physical birth certificate, no, your fictional characters don’t deserve human rights. Because they aren’t real. They’re not born into this world, they’re born from thought alone. They don’t exist beyond pixels on your screen or printed merch in your hand.
No, your fictional character does not actually feel pain. No, your fictional character doesn’t actually have their own thoughts and feelings beyond what is written at the time of their fictional existence.

Your character can’t care what’s being done to them.
No matter how hard you project onto your character, your character will never have feelings beyond what is written for them. Anyone has control over what is written for them, so no, your interpretation is not the only way it can be written.
No, your fictional character cannot age. Whether or not they’re given an age is purely for the lore. Their age is fake. I can speed time up for them or stop time completely from now until I die, and it doesn’t matter. Because they’re not real.
What DOES matter is how you treat REAL people who DO exist who CAN feel and DO care about what is said to them.
You CANNOT tell people to “get help” for how they treat a FICTIONAL BEING in the same breath that you mistreat a REAL person over something entirely made up.
In a space where a six year old alien can look like his 24 year old counterparts, where a small body can be thousands of years old, where an animal can be 16 for nearly 30 years, how can you try to attach human rights to something so fake while mistreating the real people w/you?
In a space where countries and war vehicles are personified, robots can have wars and turn into cars at the same time, pubic hair can talk, and feudal era Japan has mechs while William Shakespeare cheers them on, your concern is with treating these characters as if they’re real?
Like it’s some sort of law? And yet we are the ones who need a reality check??
Tell me how this makes sense? Seriously. Tell me how this makes sense. How am I supposed to take advice from you on how to treat fictional characters when you don’t even know how to treat real people??
Anytime I see tweets about how someone’s hurting a fictional characters feelings for using a nickname other characters use in the series, or how this character has real trauma bc of the fanart people draw of them, I always have a thought in the back of my mind.
“Must be incredibly young. Probably too young to be on this site.” But when I click it’s always a 21 year old who is a self proclaimed safe adult.
I try so hard to give the benefit of the doubt that maybe being raised with different entertainment values, different ideals for fiction, etc. changes the outcome of someone’s joy with fiction. But some of y’all are just nasty towards people just bc you don’t have supervision.
The people you interact with on the opposite side of the screen are real people. Who have lives outside of what you see on their profiles.
You wanna talk about how desensitized problematic fiction makes people, you assume they’d jump at the chance to commit a crime, but have turned around, harassed, doxxed, dogpiled and driven people to self harm and death because you’re so >desensitized< to your own bullshit.
You don’t realize how much harm you’re causing all over the fake rights of fictional characters and THATS what should be alarming.
I get it. Some countries have vastly different laws. But understand your country is not the only country in the world. In my country? Fictional characters do not have any ground in legality, but doxxing and defamation sure do.
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