Bronze Age Pervert: A THREAD

Neo-fascist figure Bronze Age Pervert poses real danger, gaining major traction & influence not only in far-right but more mainstream right & so-called "dirtbag left" circles

I've read his manifesto—so you don't have to—to unmask its neo-Nazi nature
BAP's 2018 'Bronze Age Mindset' can accurately be described as a fascist/neo-Nazi manifesto

It promotes a rejection of modern civilisation, an elevated fantasy of a hyper-masculine Bronze Age Aryan-warrior ideal & the dehumanisation of groups of people as "refuse" to be cleansed
cw: antisemitism, ableism

As is fundamental to most (if not all) fascism, Bronze Age Mindset has at its core an explicitly antisemitic worldview

Here "the Jewish way of thinking" is positioned as "mental deficiency and even r*tard*tion", in opposition to Aryan love of "beauty"
cw: antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia

BAP continues his division of humanity into "two very different biological orientations": those who venerate superiority and beauty, versus Jews & Muslims—of a "crude animal condition"—who "descend to the lowest types of f*gg*try"
cw: antisemitism, racism

Wearing his antisemitism on his sleeve, BAP calls the creation of Israel "a great act of self-overcoming" & "the most anti-Semitic act ever conceived", in which Jews overcame their "Jewish" (ie "weak") nature—before he then rancidly attacks Yemenite Jews
cw: racism

In an appallingly racist passage, BAP speaks of "the explosion of African populations" & "the proliferation of damaged life", positing "the emergence of brotherhoods of savage men who have decided to purify the earth & rid it of the infestation of the human-cockroach"
cw: racism

BAP continues his promotion of racist-eugenic hierarchies of intelligence, with Africans and Arabs deemed to be "stupid", while also viewing Africa as "mostly irrelevant" and even a potential "ally", with the belief that "The Orient and Asia has always been the enemy"
cw: racism

BAP directs some of his most dehumanising vitriol at Chinese and Indian people, branding them "the reduction of the human animal to mere life" and "a uniform and undifferentiated blob of serfdom" (distinguishing his ideology slightly from that of Evola in the process)
Again we find BAP's central fascist thesis, dividing humanity into 2 forms: "higher life" that strives towards differentiation & divine beauty, vs a lower "human animal collapsed to mere life", which "devolves to the yeast form aesthetically, morally, intellectually, physically"
This particularly Nazi 'Blood and Soil' passage speaks of a "struggle for ownership of space"—essentially calling for Lebensraum (living space for the master race)—claiming "the white race…is in general hostile to the way of life of the tribes that like a close-packed existence"
cw: racism, ableism

BAP continues his repugnant racism, this time directed at Filipino and Indian people, asserting that "both the men and the women are inbred, ugly, unsexy, and almost deformed", per a fascistic abled-Aryan normative ideal
cw: misogyny

Women, meanwhile, according to BAP's misogynist hierarchy, are "in their natural state" close to the condition of "pets", "unencumbered by thoughts of the past or worries about the future"—but have been (he claims) made "charmless" by modern education
cw: misogyny

In BAP's misogynist hellworld, women are seen as the most immediate hindrance to attaining a higher state; they "seek out ascending life and drain it"

In doing so, he says, women "revert life back to its irritated state…by their drainage of vital essence" (blugh)
cw: transphobia, queerphobia

Another constant theme of BAP's text is (predictably) transphobia / trans denialism. In this passage, he writes that "traps" (a slur for trans women, popular on 4chan) "misunderstand themselves and forget who broke them"
cw: racism

Promoting an overtly ecofascist position, BAP states that "the modern left, 'anti-racist,' pro-migrant, can never really be environmentalist" because, in his twisted logic, the source of environmental catastrophe is what he calls "the zombi hordes of the third world"
cw: slavery, suicide, infanticide

In a rambling passage about slavery, BAP argues that ethnic groups that "choose" slavery over mass suicide are inferior to the "master races", who would choose death over submission
For Bronze Age Pervert, human rights & equality = slavery, while modern democracy is "totalitarian and vicious", and acts on behalf of a "hidden power"

In pure fascist spirit, BAP's manifesto then proposes that "military men" should never accept this condition
cw: racism

In a shocking and threatening call for race war and violent insurrection, BAP's neo-Nazi manifesto concludes that "the coming age of barbarism" will be owned by "men of military experience, who know something about how to shoot and how to organize"
BAP sets out the playbook for his followers:

"[Force] the enemy to take a public position that is widely…recognized as evil and resentful"

"Keep eyes on the prize…which is to discredit the enemy and expose his authoritarianism, his stupidity, his slavishness, his corruption"
cw: antisemitism

BAP even instructs his followers to outwardly "denounce [my path] and disavow me if ever asked about it"

He urges them to build on political models that have proven successful—Trump, Orbán, ascendent Italian movements—as platforms to further their fascist cause
Writing for right-wing thinktank Claremont Institute, BAP similarly attempts to evade scrutiny, claiming his book is "primarily for fun and entertainment"

However, as @FromaLeftWing observed of the gleeful troll, "that they enjoy their hate makes them more frightening, not less"
As @politico reports, BAP has fans at the heart of power, including Republican speechwriter Darren Beattie and Trump's former national security spokesman Michael Anton, who claimed "BAPism is winning", and praised "the talented kids who’ve found this book"
It is not enough that we simply recognise what is at stake here—an Overton Window shift in what is acceptable & the real threat of followers acting on BAP's extremist ideology

We have a moral duty to ensure Bronze Age Pervert's neo-fascism is denied the space to organise & grow.
You can follow @Luke_Turner.
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