Norse Paganism is, in my view, has the worst possible gods for fascists to worship. Other pantheons likely have similar deities, so this is not meant to invalidate them, but to share what I know of my gods and goddesses
Fascists and Odinists hate many things
-Refugees and immigrants
-People with disabilities
-Queer people
-Children of interracial marraige
-Women who choose to be something other than mothers
-Non-Nuclear families
As Norse Pagans, our gods include:
-Refugees and immigrants
(Skadi, Njord, Loki)
-Gods with disabilities and disfigurements
(Odin, Tyr, Hela)
-Gods who are Queer
(Loki, Odin, Freyr)
-Interracial Gods
(Odin, Thor, Heimdall)
-Goddesses that are more than stay at home mothers but rule their own kingdoms
(Skadi, Hela)
-Gods that come from "non-traditional" families; i.e. partners who have separated, orphans, single parents, disowned
(Loki, Skadi, Njord, Hela)
When you hate those who are not like you, you hate the gods.
Odin is the All-Father, not the Some-Father. All humanity is of the same kindred.

(Art is not OC. I can post credits later this morning if you would like)
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