This entire thread and then some commentary on reproductive health and pregnancy loss in Australia.

#infertility #pregnancyloss #miscarriage
I've had 4 pregnancy losses in less than a year. The most recent being on Mon 31st Aug 2020 when I needed to have a D&C because it was a missed miscarriage.

Being my 4th pregnancy loss, I opted for medical intervention and so that pregnancy tissue can be tested.
I'm also currently undergoing IVF. My chosen fertility clinic is awesome. Every cycle is an improved chance of becoming pregnant. My most recent loss was after our first transfer.

Navigation of work demands has been relatively easy as I have a supportive workplace.
Support for recurrent miscarriage is woeful due to the silence. It has taken 3 miscarriages and 1 D&C for someone to tell me of Pink Elephants Support Network despite 1 in 4 reported pregnancies ending in loss. 
I want to be clear. My IVF clinic is wonderful and offers free counselling. I don't feel ready. I do feel ready to speak with women who have gone through this loss.

Speaking with friends and family about this just isn't on my radar. Most don't get it.
I also don't have the energy to educate.


With recurrent miscarriage comes recurrent grieving.

Every loss has been a much wanted and loved baby with hopes and dreams of the future.

Of all the things I wanted to say to them I never wanted to say goodbye nut I have had to.
Perhaps you're a random reading this going so what.

Well think of all the people you know. 1 in 4 will have suffered a pregnancy loss. That's what the general statistics say.

You haven't been told. Surely you would have been told.

Really? You really think that?
This thread contains more detail than I've told most friends.

It certainly contains more detail than I've told work colleagues.

The culture is to pick yourself again, relax, (utter BS advice for people with infertility), and try again. Totally not safe for someone like me.
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