cringe kid starterpack: a thread

all credit goes to me and @idiotichooman

(disclaimer: this is based off the cringy kid of our class)
-reads ‘diary of a wimpy kid’
-watches ‘captain underpants’ (god i cringed writing this)
-quotes memes the cringiest way possible
-watches albert/flamingo, ant & poke
-friends hate him
-bullies anyone in the most american way possible (we live in malaysia)
-toxic player
-discriminates weebs and kpop stans (they are VERY chill in our school)
-brags about robux/vbucks every single fucking day
-big ass backpack/hiking backpack
(fr tho we’re going to a school not a hike)
-has the cringiest avatar in roblox
-edgy as FUCK
-curses HEAVILY in front of teachers
-has a cringy diary
-draws like shit (pls dont get offended if you draw bad, starterpack only applies if he/she does all of the things listed here)
-reports stuff the cringy way (damn snitch)
-uses gay/lesbian as an insult
-hates school probably
-hates homework probably
-has an extremely overpowered oc (more op than mountaintop)
-childish as fuck in general

end of thread
oh yeah, you can add your own points here
the more the merrier
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