Good morning all, except of course to @billpeduto and his piggies, I have not seen this go the rounds of Twitter yet, but here is, reportedly, officer Paul Abel forcibly arresting without proper cause and at the threat of a taser, someone for asking why he was (1/x) @PghProtests
wearing a Blue Lives Matter mask. The fact police are openly allowed to wear such blatant and divisive white nationalist symbols while patrolling peaceful events like a farmers market is incitement. Questioning why he is wearing it is not means for arrest. Moreover, the (2x)
officer here never gives a clear answer as to if he was being arrested at first eventually concluding that it was failure to disperse. Citizens should be free to go to a damn farmer's market free of hateful symbols in a neighborhood that suffered an attack from a (3/x)
white nationalist, or lest we forget that we are supposed to be "Stronger than Hate" - something that I knew wasn't true at the time, and the more we challenge racism, the more it shows that this city is extremely divided, and the same that have that in their bios are (4/x)
What a beautiful day in the neighborhood it is @billpeduto that we have openly racist and hateful people as cops that have brought violence to a farmer's market. The fact this piece of shit still has a job is not only unacceptable and embarrassing (7/x)
This is the type of misconduct as a police officer that should get you fired IMMEDIATELY and you should not be allowed to be on any other police force. These individuals show they can't exhibit restraint and will lash out when their authority is challenged. (8/x)
One of the best comments from the Reddit post that I'll finish this thread with that summarizes our policing in this country pretty well...

"So he drunk drove and shot an innocent person. Why do we as a society trust this guy to uphold justice." (9/x)
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