It is noticeable how, despite all the social distancing, mandatory use of face coverings & many still staying home, the influenza & pneumonia rate continues to track its 5-year average, just as it was doing at the start of the year; i.e. #facemasks are not impacting transmission.
With just 756 #COVID19 patients in hospital across the whole of the UK—537 in England; 27 in the Eastern region, of whom only 1 requires mechanical ventilation—no wonder hospital staff I've spoken with despair that most rooms are still set aside and they can't see other patients.
The wait is over and Henning Bundgaard's #DANMASK19 results are as expected:

"At the end of the trial, there was no statistically significant difference in the infection rates between the two groups." @Rigshospitalet #facemasks
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