#Integumen #AVCT #MWG @gjbrandon

To anyone who has yet to digest the importance of this collaboration, please note the below diagram. A LIVE ‘Novel-Sensor’ is being developed to monitor #COVID19 both BELOW and ABOVE ground level. (1/9)
You aren’t going to get a test before you show symptoms. When you show symptoms you are at your most infectious. You have already likely spread the virus to everyone you have contacted. The COVID19 virus is shed in your stool up to a week before you show symptoms. (2/9)
By monitoring wastewater you are able to detect the virus a week before symptom onset, when people are not as contagious. This sets off a LIVE alert, and everyone in a given facility (ship/factory/bar) is tested using the LIVE #AVCT test. Positive tests leave, and isolate. (3/9)
This person will have been in contact with far less people than if they had no idea that they had the virus for 2 weeks. It also screens asymptomatic people, another critical point that we are currently not able to do. (4/9)
This system is great for facilities such as factories and cruise-ships where members are confined to the spaces. You could also install the system in the millions of wastewater treatment plants around the world, predicting an outbreak to within a few thousand people. (5/9)
Again, you then test these few thousand people rather than a population of millions. The combination of the above and below ground testing is, in my view, this is the only way that we can open the economy. I don’ think this has been grasped yet. (6/9)
By monitoring the outbreaks below ground, using AI and Machine Learning one is able to identify future potential outbreaks from ‘signs’ where it has happened before, similar to how the weather is currently predicted. (7/9)
A schematic of Part 1 of the ‘Novel-Sensor’ is below, when the ABOVE ground Part 2 is released, the market will put 2 and 2 together. This isn’t just for COVID, this can be used for E-Coli, Norovirus - the list goes on. This is why it is so valuable. (8/9)
Public Health, Virus Monitoring, Drinking Water Monitoring etc. will see HUGE investment. This is the ONLY technology that is able to do this properly. The #SKIN acquisition of #MWG will only speed up this process. It is exactly what the EcowaterOS consortium is for. (9/9)
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