Why brothers should understand the deen.
This is what our Ustaadh Kabir Al-asfar wrote

A while back, my girls came in together and the elder said:

كيف الله حدث ؟

She was asking : How did Allah come to be?
Usually if they come together for something, it shows it something to take seriously. They probably had discussed it together or it came up spontaneously between them , anyway it was an indication that the question was a collaboration.
I would have shooed them but not for a question like this. There was also need to calmly explain, the question came in Arabic, I had to explain in Arabic with words that I'm sure even the younger would understand, since she notoriously mixes up English and Arabic.
So I explained using the football analogy and they got it. How did I know they got it? There was no question after it. Knowing my kids, if it wasn't clear, you'll nearly die from explaining.
To test the younger if she understood it , especially the concept of infinity, I asked :

ما معنى لا نهاية؟
She said : Has no end.


I remembered when I asked a similar question at slightly their age, the bro who answered me told me those who ask such questions where the
ones destined to be damned.

It kept my mouth quiet, but my mind unsettled.

Teachers and parents should make it a point of duty to explain troubling questions to their students/children, if they don't know , they should tell them they don't and will make research.
There are no unanswerable questions in Islam.

It's you who is ignorant of the answer.
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