Hi twitter folks! I’m desperately needing your attention and hearts. I lost my one and only job that supports a family of 5. Rn We are short of 750$ for rent. Besides, We don’t have any contingency funds if anything undesirable happens to us considering how contagious Covid 19
We have paid 2 months of rent but since the virus drastically spread, we saved no money, in short, we are only spending and paying for our basic necessities. Even my 2nd to eldest sibling didn’t have any celebration nor received special gifts for her birthday😭
It’s painful since I act as a father since my dad left us out. My mother is also not quite that skilled to earn and create business. (But I’m super proud son). One time,a demand for overdue notice was sent ny the landlord and I personally asked if I may pay only what I can
and beg for a few days more or even weeks.But she said “ No!(shouting) You already consumed your deposit ******* don’t use the pandemic as an excuse!! Pay or you’ll forcely evicted! The loudness of his voice and his high-pitched tone made my siblings cry. I don’t want themto hear
I always protect them from pain. Because of my frustrations,right there and then, I gave half of our remaining savings. “ only 450$? If you can’t pay me at 15th of Sept. ******* you **** cursed black fam. I don’t know what to do anymore😭We’re currently eating twice a day ,
sometimes I only eat once😭 My 3 younger siblings were crying everynight when they heard we will be homeless in weeks. My mother is also blaming herself bc her inablity for provision. I can’t afford losing our house. I don’t want this kind of life for my beloved siblings.
So Please if you have any amount rn. I’ll appreciate every bucks you will donate and I’ll promise I will find a job as fast as I can. By simply boosting this thread is a signal boost that really help a lot. https://www.paypal.me/superron10 
I want to buy my sister a present and pretend everything is okay. Please bear with me until I can stand on my own with this situation.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 If everything is possible please I’ll take all the shame begging . I want my fam to have a peaceful and normal night. Thank y’all godbless
You can follow @yourgreatman10.
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