euh si c’est woojin est-ce que moi aussi je peux parler du coup 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
ok so i did hear from friends that woojin was used to go to bars and everything but it didn’t mean he was a bad guy. tho he likes alcohol a lot i thought they were rumors. i was a stay back during europe tour unveil tour and got myself a hi touch. i never really liked woojin
cause he gave me a bad feeling and looked scary but still found him cute sometimes and never trashed him. when i did the hi touch with my friend i didn’t have pockets to fit my phone and battery so i kept everything in one hand. as i wasn’t allow to do that and needed to have
both my hands free i slowed down the queue and got yelled at by the staff. woojin was watching me a lot and i felt shameful cause i didn’t know what to do. eventually i found a way to have both my hands free and walked towards them. then woojin took my hand and didn’t want to let
go. if you did hi touch you know it’s really speed and there’s like no time to speak to them or anything but he had the time to take my hand and looked at me up and down with the same eyes the scary guys in the subway looked at me. i removed my hand because i felt bad. it was not
fan service at all. the eyes he looked at me with were uncomfortable and his stare made me feel bad. i spoke about it RIGHT AWAY with the friend i was with then told different friends and finally dropped stray kids not only bc of the bg things but bc i kept thinking
woojin was a bad person. so i asked to other friends bc i thought maybe i was overreacting and he actually asked for fan’s phone number after a concert and i heard he wasn’t dating because he went around a lot with girls. so yeah 😕 im not surprised and won’t forgot how
uncomfortable i felt bc of him and his stare being scary 😕
just in case: i am not lying for clout, i’ll never lie because i went through too much harassment in my life. here’s a proof that i was at the concert.

also the friend who i was with during the hi touch stayed with me the entire time and i told her right away.
we exited the venue and i told her « woojin did something weird idk what was that about » and showed her the way he grabbed my hand and his look. i even told the exact same story to at least 4 persons and never changed it. even if the accusation is somehow proven fake i know
he isn’t clear. even if he didn’t directly touch me i still felt extremely uncomfortable and can’t forget the feeling till this day. i have anxiety about men but still love kpop, but going to concerts only to feel the same shameful feeling that i live everyday is horrible.
same thing happened to another stay in paris (same concert), there’s no question about it now. woojin is definitely not clear and has a past of making girls assigned feel uncomfortable.
idk if i should mention this but i was 17 ! i look older than i am so maybe he didn’t think of it that far idk maybe im making excuses but yea i was a minor back then
another person had the same experience this is so scary please everyone don’t believe him 😭
another person !! they’re saying that he looked at them like shit and they were so uncomfortable that they went to another member

this is the same person.
please i feel really sick right now.
hes disgusting please don’t believe him.
please don’t hesitate to tell me, i see all your mentions and dms. i love all of you. woojin deserve to get punished. even if i get suspended or get hate i dont care. i got your back.

another person came forward. don’t doubt us, this is real.
we cant be mistaken, we all know this feeling when a man is looking at you with perverted eyes, we all know this feeling of shame, guilt, how uncomfortable it is. we all know how it feels to question the way we were dressed or doubting our memories. woojin is a bad person.
This is what happened for this person :
didn’t think i needed to mention it but the other members never made me feel bad or uncomfortable they were all kind and professional ! and nobody came in my dms/mentions to speak about them until now ♥︎
except if someone else come forward i won’t add anything to the thread. please know that i heard things/experienced about others idols but because there was no public accusation like woojin’s i don’t feel ready to speak about it myself. please don’t trust your idols with your
whole heart. some are really bad or even dangerous. i just want people to realize that this is harmful to look up so much to other human beings. celebrities are humans with more power. they often use it badly. stay safe during events. i love you all. thanks for the support ♥︎
another person told me about their experience ! this is disturbing :(
i just remembered something ! this is a conversation between my friend who was there during the hi touch and i ♥︎
im writing a translation for someone please wait a bit ! this is also disturbing. im sorry for not putting a tw i didn’t think so many people experienced this .....
I remember well his smirk too and the other members looked sorry it’s true. I have no idea if they knew tho.

This is another person’s experience in Paris. This is too much now.
« This is crazy I thought I was the only one feeling that Woojin was scary and creepy ! I didn’t speak up because I was afraid his stans would swear at me ... »
another 17 yo person said they felt like he was creepy during the hi touch
the fact that everyone is saying « I had a big breast » « I had a low necked shirt » like this mattered. nobody should feel objectified, looked pervertedly and stared at uncomfortably.
woojin we all know now the kind of person you are. don’t hide behind a fake company. you’re a disgrace, i hope you won’t have anyone on your side anymore. you made all of us feel horrible. you’re the one who shouldnt be believed.
i would blow up back then bc of the numbers of tweets misgendering me but today i was so tired and busy that i didn’t take time to correct all those people. my pronouns are stated in my bio for years now but i had to move it to my tweet name without success because i still got
misgendered all day long. i understand people automatically thinking that im a girl because of the situation, even woojin saw me as a girl. still i would like people to not misgender me as it is very tiring for me to read those tweets even when they’re filled with love.
tweeting things like « i don’t know what to believe anymore i don’t know what’s the truth » and shit isn’t making you a poor lost person in all those overwhelming and hard to process issues, like there’s not « things to believe in » or « side to take » i have no time to lie
and no time to fake all of those stories. we’re like 10 and more sharing the same feeling/story and if a guy staring at people’s chest, making people uncomfortable and making body remarks isn’t a proof that he could also assault someone then that’s on you. but don’t act innocent.

you may think the staff asked for everyone to do that but when the stay bent down for jisung/chan he didn’t ask her to straighten up. he only did that near woojin. now i don’t know what it means but op said the staff was making an embarrassed face.
this person said they were inspired by my thread please send them love and support, they must know they’re strong and loved, woojin should seriously pay for everything
i feel very disgusted by some people’s behaviors. today was a real roller coaster for me. why would you do that ? this isn’t funny. this is harmful for the victims. please keep believing the threads about woojin and my thread. there are real. i wont go back to my words.
Hello everyone ! Thank you for your dms whether it’s support or telling me your experience. Because I don’t want to keep triggering people I will only post stories including either Woojin touching fans, asking for numbers or looking at their chest. To all the people who felt
uncomfortable because of his gaze or the way he held your hand you’re valid, he’s in the wrong for making you feel bad, small or scared. I love you all again. And I got your back ♥︎
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