DONT SCROLL, this is bright vachirawit chivaaree, a thai actor, musician, model and host. he's extremely hardworking, immensely supportive, and unbelievably humble and grateful when it comes to his success and achievements. bright is wonderful, i promise. stan bright: a thread✹
bright, currently 22, (he's turning 23 on 27th december!) has worked in various series and shows in the past, but the show that bagged him international prominence, is called "2gether: the series". (10/10 would recommend, btw!)
the second part of this series, and mind you, it's not a second season, but a series of special episodes, is still airing. this friday is the final episode of the series which is called "Still2gether" (also 10/10 would recommend, i cry watching it because it's just so SOFT)
bright has a wonderful personality. he's someone who likes artsy things, and if you follow him on twitter (which you absolutely should), he retweets dog and cat videos very often (lmao) and really cool interior design accounts and aesthetics he likes.
his relationship with his fans is so endearing. fans absolutely adore him, and he adores them right back. bright has very expressive eyes, so it's quite easy to see the emotions in them, and when he looks at his fans, he looks at them with so much love, gratitude, and affection.
bright is very vocal about what and whom he supports. i won't say much, but this thread i'm attaching below says more than enough :)
he is the ceo and model of a brand that goes by the name of "astrostuffs" ( @Astrostuffs_TH) and all the designs of all the items look amazing (and are out of stock hahah), go check it out!
also, thought it would be good to add this here :)
bright's instagram profile handle is @/bbrightvc, and i mean, do i even have to tell you why you should follow him? man's got visuals, everyone can see it. here's some of his posts (go follow him!!!)
lastly, i think it's important to stress on the fact that he's someone who's constantly trying to be a better person, takes criticism well, and just wants to live peacefully. his personality is so endearing, and so mesmerizing, you'll understand what i'm saying once you watch him
so, this is bright vc for you! go follow him on twitter and instagram, and support him (if you want, of course) + also, his fellow co-star for "2gether", win metawin is also an absolute sweetheart. this thread was focusing on bright, but i definitely will make one on win soon :)
thanks for reading! and if you want to watch 2gether and Still2gether, you can search it up on youtube, all episodes are up on the GMMTV channel :)
oh, and here's a little bright's cheeks appreciation uwuuu
You can follow @diamondbbright.
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