Folks on here complaining about #HillaryClinton are wildly out of touch with reality. Hillary Clinton warned you about who Trump was and what he would do. You fked up and let your misogyny get in the way. And now nearly 200k Americans are dead & the courts are stacked for 30yrs.
Third party voters are as much to blame as Trump voters for Trump's presidency. #Hillary lost PA, WI & MI by a mere 77k votes. 3rd party votes in those states were 800k. HRC won the same number of votes as Obama 2012. Trump was ensconced by a few dozen party apparatchiks.
#HillaryClinton warned us about everything: that Trump was "Putin's puppet," that his verifiable #racism dated to being investigated by Nixon's DOJ for racial bias, that he was a virulent xenophobe who'd harm immigrants and a misogynist who'd set back women's rights, and more.
#HillaryClinton said the only thing standing between America and the apocalypse was her. And now nearly 200k Americans are dead and you blame her for your tantrum voting? Millions of Americans have been irreparably harmed by Trump. Own your part in that reality and the suffering.
If you are running around now, when a literal fascist and self-declared white nationalist is in the White House, claiming #BidenHarris and Trump-Pence are the same, you are living a level of entitlement that millions of Americans can't afford to be victims of again. Stop it.
Several states are on fire. Several others are recovering from a hurricane and flooding--all from #ClimateCrisis. Over SIX MILLION Americans have gotten #COVID19 and nearly 200k are dead. Kids are still in cages. 16M are out of work. 52M don't have health insurance. It's not ok.
What has Jill Stein been doing for America--especially those harmed by Trump since November 8, 2016--other than take your money? Has she offered to treat #COVID19 patients? Anything?
I hope you will RT this thread. 📌 More importantly, I hope you won't make the same mistake in 2020 that you made in 2016.
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