
When I was 23, many years ago, I realized the world was changing. It was no longer safe to leave children in the care of others. My peers, especially the males, were rebelling against their parents, who, I noted, had neglected them in order to 'provide'.

I knew that before long, homosexuality would be the norm. Pedophilia would be defended. Back then, they were still somewhat scandalous even in the US, where I was.

I wondered what I'd do if God gave me children, as I sensed He would.

I also thought I was ready for marriage 🤣🤣
Let us pause for a moment of laughter. I was so not, and I am glad God shielded me from the sundry proposals. I would have stressed mtoto wa watu for nothing. I want to tag a good friend who proposed so we can laugh but I think he will see this.
Basi na tucheke kwanza.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ok. Back to the topic. I was under the Proverbs 31 woman's tutelage. I knew she worked. I learnt from her that stay-at-home moms must also try to be earn-from-home moms. I needed to figure out a way to work in my field and still raise the children I sensed God would give me.
That, my tweeple, is how I started my business. I knew that formal employment, even back then, was no place for a wife and mother. I do not judge those who are employed, but I think they should try to find different options if they can. Because children must be raised, and...
.. someone will raise them. It is up to every woman to choose whether it will be a househelp, the TV, the internet, teachers, relatives, neighbors' children. Today, each of these options has great potential for physical, mental, emotional or sexual abuse in the mother's absence.
I told myself that if I started early, then, by God's grace, I would make mistakes early and grow. I put in place flextime options for moms & sensible paternal leave for dads. (Interestingly, my child came at what I felt was the WORST time in my business 😂 - a lesson I needed.)
That said, even a woman who leaves or declines formal employment to raise her children should try to find ways to be financially supportive from the house.

Because I'm very sure the Proverbs 31 woman did not ask her husband for money for pads and tomatoes. She owned property.
She made international business deals. She also had help. She did not try to be a superwoman.

Today's story is all over the place, but I hope someone picks something from it.

1. Raise your children.
2. WORK.
3. Contribute financially.

It's possible with God's help.

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