I also PMSL at those wacky conspiracy theorists who obviously can't grasp the simple concept of capitalism and instead make confused and contradictory claims that "the media" do this and the govt do that.
Both "the media" and govt represent the establishment and are capitalist. Both want to perpetuate capitalism. Both will kill people for it. And they profit off of the *trivialisation* of coronavirus, not the *existence* of it.
Oh suuure we can cite online services or hygiene products or pharmaceuticals, but capitalism as a whole needs finance and property and a working class who will go do work, including bullshit jobs, all week and keep their kids in school to enable it. Even if it kills us.
Capitalists brag about its innovation, when actually capitalism prevents progress. It relies on profit and endless growth which is both destructive, and also ultimately impossible without the destruction of the planet. And as we have seen, it has no plan whatsoever for care.
What we needed to do was recognise the threat of the pandemic in the new year, disseminate actual consistent factual information, and reconfigure the system for our society, to save people's lives and health and to stamp out the virus. Capitalism couldn't do that.
What we needed was a switch to a system of essential work only, broadband communism, a universal basic income, an end to animal agriculture, and a reconstruction of our towns and cities. Forever. Capitalism won't even permit us to get a glimpse of that future.
Capitalism grows. Capitalism destroys. Capitalism kills. Capitalism is the virus.
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