Gay men can be misogynistic. Cishet women can be queer-antagonistic. It's possible to be oppressors & oppressed. Depending on our identities we also might have patriarchal privileges over one another. What matters is the destruction of the system that creates this-
division and heavy emphasis of our differences as a tool to foster the inability to unite. The patriarchy wants us to keep having this separation so that we're distracted from seeing the true enemy. The one that places us disadvantaged under it's violence no matter how we think
..we can escape it, it will still haunt us. Misogyny can have a feminine man oppressed because he has social traits that the system assigns to "women" and are viewed as weak/sheep like, homophobia will get a woman to be collateral damage marrying a gay man
In yesterday's situation I don't fully know how I can express my thoughts. But noone is to be vilified. Both feelings of the man and his spouse are valid. It is almost impossible to avoid such situations since we're all under this system and things like this will always manifest
Loveless marriages also exist even with cis men and many cishet men marry women they don't love to their own advantage too. Many women marry for survival and because they're socialized to give themselves to society
Society never respects their feelings and identity. We need more open conversations on this, more conversations on how to rid ourselves of these tragedies caused by marriage as an institution and patriarchy as the air we breathe. The Olympics on who is more oppressed..
will not get us any where because we keep having this conversation and reach no goal or step forward. The same way Gay men can contribute to the patriarchal oppression of women on their basis of male privilege (which also comes at passing as as cis man) is also the same way..
Cishet women can uphold homophobia. Marriage and the patriarchy harms everyone who is not a cis-heterosexual man
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