I’m an ex-Computer Literacy teacher and this is literally why my subject exists. https://twitter.com/vanderpere/status/1302696387122008064
This thread demonstrates what I already know, but am glad to be reminded of:
- people don’t know what the shift key is for
- people don’t know why secure passwords are important
- people can’t spell their own names
- people can’t type at all, and find keyboards annoying
It’s a very small percentage of people who are actually computer literate, as opposed to “app” literate (i.e. Facebook).

Most people don’t care what language your app / website is written in. They care if it’s easy to use.

If this scares you, you haven’t been paying attention.
You can follow @_randolph_west.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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