If you support Bernie and Liz but point out that Kamala Harris is a millionaire and suggest that means she doesn't represent rank-and-file Black folx, wouldn't it be fair to mention that Bernie and Liz are also millionaires? https://twitter.com/NadraKareem/status/1302638655224180736?s=20
If you're going to insinuate that she doesn't care about poor people, wouldn't it be fair to acknowledge her support of a minimum $15 wage, legislation to fight food insecurity, to ensure that jobless people don't get their utilities cut off, etc?
Also, I felt Black voters themselves were mischaracterized. They were described as "paralyzed by pragmatism" and basically as voters with low expectations. No mention that Biden won S.C. handily b/c he had long ties to the Black community there & the other candidates did not.
Finally, the idea I must have an ulterior motive on this issue is offensive. I've also spoken out when I felt the records of other candidates were misrepresented & I think omission of facts about a candidate's policies, esp. while discussing those policies, is misrepresentation.
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