This is my issue with CRT used in media. Champions of CRT claim it makes you a "critical thinker" but in reality it greatly narrows your view point. Once you buy in to CRT you look at everything through that lense and that lense alone becuase CRT claims to be....
The absolute indisputable truth of how the world works. And any other view point or possible way to look at things is white supremacist or at least contributes in some way to some hidden white supremacist agenda.

Until i read through this thread i hadn't even consideted
That the WWs could have affected Tolkien's outlook and been the inspiration for orcs. And i guarantee none of these jackass leftists did either. And in the slim chance they did they see that. They prob Gave it like 2 secs of consideration said "nah" and went back to calling it...
"Racially coded" which IS 100% a cop out. When you call them on it they can say "umm well no I'm not saying they're a perfect 1:1 with (x) race of people they just behave similar to stereotypes of (x) race." Comepletely missing that theyre telling on themselves
But bottom line is critical race theorists arent critical thinkers at all. They psuedo-intellectuals armed with jargon and buzzwords to give themsleves the illusion that their extremely narrow worldview is something deeper.
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