Omg why does sakura havethe most sales instead of the others it's not fair and those sakura akgaes are doing some… — Miyawaki Sakura, debuted as 「1st Gen HKT48 member AT YEAR 2011」, 2018 TOP 3 Kami7 with 141,106 VOTES , out of 96 …
at this point i think they're just trolling my cc. idc im going to brag every achievement my kamioshi have done.
Miyawaki Sakura debuted way back 2011 as 1st gen HKT48 member and ever since she got into AKB48 General Election (a system where you vote your favorite member amongst AKB,SKE,HKT, NGT), she just kept on getting into higher ranks AND NEVER RANKED DOWN.
The reason why she's famous and high seller is because SHE WORKED HARD FOR IT. She knew her flaws and how hard it was to keep up with her sisters and whole AKB but it didnt stop her! She had her bad days, if you read her mobame from years before you will know her hardships!
Her radio show started as SAKURAMBO and HKT48 members were her only first guests before she made it into tokyo with Saku no Ki what im trying to say is, SHE TOOK EVERYTHING STEP BY STEP. Where she is now is because she struggled all the way from being a nugu like us!
SHE'S MORE THAN JUST A GAMER OR AN ANTISOCIAL PERSON. She's an actress! An artist! If you guys have seen how she sings along with other members during As We Dream even tho she didnt have any lines? IT'S BECAUSE SHE'S AN PRO IDOL EVEN OFF CAM.
DO YOU GUYS EVEN READ HER MAILS EVEN WHILE STARTING AS AN IZONE MEMBER? She was the only member who introduced IZ*ONE on her own perspective with flowery words and description and up until now she still introduces members thru SakuNoKi and yall still surprised she sells well?!
Get to know her before you just look at her as a gamer and research first on why she outsells even outside IZ*ONE. It's because, SHE'S MIYAWAKI SAKURA.
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