I rarely ever point this out but this is a woman senator, representative of people with disabilities in the country and there are actually comments asking her about her choice of clothing etc.

Women legislators will be subjected to this moral/fashion scrutiny, respect their work https://twitter.com/SenatorRasAdiba/status/1303176844582084608
I understand many powerful women in Asia are very generous in accepting people's feedback about appearance and they terima as "teguran".

"teguran" are micro aggressions & body policing.

Men experience this less than women in the public sphere while doing the same work
The "teguran" is also an implied ownership of a community over a specific woman's body.

And yes its hard to pin down and define it well because the practice itself is irrational, you don't own any person's body
Yes I'm speaking from experience when I am in public I do get "tegur" for either eating during Ramadan, not wearing tudung or "pakai tudung lagi manis ya" and when I say I'm Indian (!!!), they apologize & leave.

I think abt community policing alot because I have no community
Maybe twitter is my only community
And yes I also think about how many women just don't or can't get these types of men to ever leave because of the "community" connection and these women resist under challenging circumstances
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