@TheHarrisSultan @abdullahadam @ApostateProphet @ArminNavabi @shambhav15 @kushal_mehra @TIinExile

Here is a thread on why I feel Armin and Harris are being dishonest dealing with TLinexile, it will be moderately long thread so I request concerned parties to let me finish 1/n
It started with right to FoE and denigrate religion, but cried at the first abuse hurled at them, again I am as much disgusted as much any decent person can be at what troll did with Armin

Nevertheless, as far TLinexile is concerned, they acted exactly opposite 2/n
TLinexhile posed a question which moreover was trying to draw a definition of FoE and what Armin thinks about it, no abuse no threats

TLinexile made it very clear that he detests the abuses from both sides, in return response of Armin below pic 3/n
I did try to reach out Harris on possible explanation on why he thinks that it was justified for Armin to abuse TLinexile but was cry baby at receiving end

And I found one vague explanation from Harris below in pic 4/n
Upon pressing the question more Harris did nothing but to patronise me with knowledge on hypocrisy and meaning of the said “FCUK U”

Pics Below are self-explanatory 5/n
In my belief I find it very dis-honest, all they need to do is accept that it was error from their end and then debate and maybe, just maybe debate on what could be correct way to challenge religion belief other than sensationalise it like this in a juvenile attempt 6/n
Moving forward from here I expect hindus and atheist hindus to introspect, Hinduism was and is never shy of sexual activity, atheism and criticism, it is collection of wisdom that spans not decades, not centuries but millennia, hence it accommodates all dissent and discourse 7/n
What started as challenge to religious belief quickly turned into war of narrative to prove that Hindus are Jihadis, which we know is far from any kind of truth 8/n
To bring the correct narrative forward, we need to make sure that it cant be by hurling abuses and threats to life and property, that is sure shot way to loose the ground here 9/n
We can push forward our ideas; belief system and how open Hinduism is if the debate is civilised enough and not provocative from their end

Let the learned reply with Hindu scriptures and layman like us can reply with absolute logic 10/n
Harris and Armin need to learn that this way they will find juvenile audience to support them and the audience that matters and stays firm in belief or non-belief system will evade them

Unless they just want patron audience and not the cause 11/n
I will try to engage Harris on his channel but I need to first collect my thoughts

If and when I do, I assure that I will not abuse as I highly condemn it, as a matter of fact I am also against outrage only because it gets no one nothing 12/n
I will make another thread later on why Shambhav and Kushal should not sit this one out given their warm relations with the atheist group

The narrative push forward counter narrative and let audience decide the best. End of thread 🙏
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