here's my current thinking on this. the 101 core of marketing is about helping people see what you and/or your work is about. that means storytelling.

it doesn't have to be complex: who are you? why are you doing what you're doing? what's the challenge, what's the conflict?
most conversations about marketing tend to be tactical – how do I get more traffic, how do I get better conversions, etc. that's cool.

but the real core challenge is much more fundamental: why should anybody care? why do you care? tell that story as effectively as you can
when you get really really good at figuring out the most foundational story, everything else kind of takes care of itself downstream. for starters, *you* start to care more. this impacts everything, especially recruiting. it's the highest impact thing you can do IME
sooo many marketing questions are things like "how often should I post to my blog" and "should I get on both tiktok and instagram, or one first," and honestly IMO none of that stuff really matters. what matters I.M.H.O. is that you really give a shit
it probably wouldn't be too hard to find egs of people who do decent marketing, even surprisingly good marketing, for things that they don't really care about. IMO these things are fleeting and transient, forgotten in ~5 years. my frame assumes you want to do something that lasts
an interesting thing about this is that sometimes a person who "hasn't done any marketing" bc they have a distaste for talking about things can leapfrog highly-visible, superficially charismatic people because they did the "inner work" of figuring out what they care about and why
i'm not saying you should be like steve jobs. you are welcome to hate steve jobs. the point is that you should be *yourself*, with conviction, with the confidence that comes from knowing what matters to you, why you care about what you care about, & what you're going to do abt it
"but i am a scared nervous bb and idk anything"

that's fine, it's a process, we're all figuring it out as we go. your uncertainty can be useful. "so I'm new to X and I don't really know what to do. here are my options as far as I can tell. here's what I'm doing" = great blogpost
mic drop!!!
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