tw // sexual assault

what to do from here an informative thread about finding out that someone you idolized could be a piece of shit
step 1: believe the victim

comments like “no i don’t believe it” “it really could be him” belittle the victims experience because you THINK you know someone well enough when you really don’t. victims will ALWAYS be more important then kpop
step 2: recognize what this truly means

idolizing someone you don’t know in real life does come with a stigma attached to it for reasons like this and you truly need to come to terms with what this could mean for the person you idolized and how badly they fucked up
step 3: don’t drag anybody into this that doesn’t need to be

the focus should be on what the victim wants. do they want justice? you fight like hell. do they want support? you be there for them as long as you are mentally ready go to through that process.
there is nothing that matters more than how a victim feels in this situation and what they want. your comfort is not the first priority and especially how you feel about the person you idolize their feelings don’t matter and neither do their friends who have no business here
do not drag anybody who is not involved in this situation into it because they don’t deserve that and the victim doesn’t deserve that
step 4: have an open conversation with yourself about your mental health and how you are

this is a heavy topic that personally affects a lot of people who might’ve idolized this person. step back and breathe. it isn’t gonna be easy but you can do it
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