The most important group you should radicalize to betray their class is military veterans. They are the most useful of class traitors, the best of comrades, and historically, they have been among those that fought the hardest in leftist revolutions. Hold your nose and talk to us.

Your girl would really appreciate a retweet, this convo *needs* to be had
I had to radicalize my damn self. I try with other veterans, but people outside the vet community need to give a damn enough about them to talk to us. That means all tendencies. Every vet you bring to the cause takes away from the fascist recruiting pool and frees a human being.
BTW, I'm poor, trans, and not hard to find. I've got no grift, and I don't want you to forget the victims of empire. Please pray, donate, march, and do direct action for the survivors of imperialism. Don't look away from the horrors the empire of the US commits.
Non US Leftists: please radicalize your vets too. Solidarity with every soldier who has betrayed the bosses and the empire, where ever you are; you are my comrade and I will not forget you.
Vets are black and brown (nearly all my leaders were), queer, trans, they are an alienated lumpenproleriat that knows how bad things are...just most of us can't see better. Help us see better.
I'm going to tag some content creators I'd like to see address this:

@EmericanJohnson, a class traitor and content creator living in Vietnam, making excellent anarchist explainer videos that helped me

@ThoughtSlime, who needs no introduction but helped radicalize me
Here's a book you can recommend to a veteran, written by a celebrated war hero who then betrayed his class as a general (and stopped a fascist plot to overthrow the government)
@ContraPoints, you could talk to the trans vet community, we need some sisterhood, and there are a lot of us

@PhilosophyTube, British veterans, especially those of color, are often thrown to the dogs in the UK, please elevate causes to assist and radicalize them
@KyleKulinski, you're one of the few voices close to major media I trust, and we could really use your voice and your thoughts
At my Leftist Content Creators, especially with large followings: please talk to us. Please learn about us. Please have empathy for us as human beings, and see we can be useful to the future. Please don't write us out of the narrative; you have so much power to help if you will.
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