open this thread.
i hope you’re feeling okay today
have you stayed hydated? if not please go and get some water
have you eaten anything today? if not can you possibly try and have something? it doesn’t matter how big or small it is
i’m so proud of you
you’re a lot stronger than you think
i know right now it feels like there is no end to your unhappiness, and me saying this will piss you off because you genuinely see nothing that can ever make you feel better, but i promise with everything in me that eventually you will overcome this and until that moment
talking to someone, a friend, a family member, literally anyone - is the best thing you can possibly do. if you stuggle with opening up to people, write your thoughts down. you need to do something that can help relieve a lot of the thoughts racing around in your head.
You’re amazing
don’t let the media change your perspective on how you see yourself, everyone is absolutely beautiful in their own way. please remember that you don’t have to live up to a certain standard to be labelled as ‘good-looking’ or attractive,”
you deserve nothing less than to be happy 24/7, and if i could i would give each individual person the world.
1-800-273-8255 - Suicide Hotline

877-226-311 - Addiction Hotline

844-228-2962 - Eating Disorder Hotline

877-455-0628 - Self Harm Hotline

888-640-5174 - Depression Hotline
Heal yourself before you try to heal others ❤️
You can follow @WhereDaPercsAt.
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