No less of *this* nonsense please

If people like George spent a fraction of the time they wast admonishing people like @ProudSocialist on pushing @JoeBiden not even left of centre but just left of Nixon, Ryan could support and vote for him and his odds wouldn’t just be 2:1
If you want to help @JoeBiden win you have two choices - phone and text bank for him  or work to push him to the left of Nixon and to get onboard with things that the majority of our country and a supermajority of Ds support.

Anything else is masturbation
At this moment Joe’s odds are just slightly better than 2:1

That should horrify you and no amount of complaining about someone on Twitter who isn’t voting for him will help improve that.

If you want to beat trump, text, and phone for him and work to push him a little left.
Despite everything and after a minor bump, trump’s approval is slowly creeping upwards as it has been for the past couple of years.

Not providing any kind of distinction from him isn’t enough. Offer something that’ll win and keep Congress or risk losing.
You can follow @smenor.
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