Hate Crimes are a horrifying reality for so many POC— but dear God, it hits different when it’s someone you know.

My heart is torn to pieces to see Sachal in this condition, and I am infuriated to see NO coverage by the @DenverPolice about this incident. https://twitter.com/shaunking/status/1303145585537675271
Acts like these need to be addressed as what they are— Domestic Terrorism; fueled by White Supremacy.

There is NO justification for the crimes perpetuated against Sachal and his friends, and I implore the @TheJusticeDept to take this case immediately.
We are no longer at a point where things are “getting bad” they are bad— they’ve been bad!

If it’s not impacting you directly use your strength to help others.

Your reality may be a dream— but for many it’s a nightmare.
As a Muslim, Hijabi, Rural, WOC— I am terrified of the normalization of threatening treatment against people who look just like me.

How long before I’m hurt?
My family?
My partner?
Another friend?

Do you recognize HOW LUCKY you are if you dont have to worry about this?
I’m begging anyone who is reading this to care— & to do all that you can to help stop the growing rise in white nationalism and supremacy—

& this starts by standing with people like Sachal, who have endured some of the most unnecessary violence— simply for being who they are.
We are the land of the free and home of the brave, right?

Then we MUST have the courage to stand up to bullies who incite hatred.
And remember, just because you’re free— doesn’t mean everyone else is.
I’ll keep adding to this thread as I find ways to help Sachal and his friends.

In the meantime you should consistently be engaging with people in power— people who can expedite remedying our fracturing society by doing what’s right.

These include, but are not limited to:
This is an issue that has been festering for generations in our nation—& I for one, do not want to lose another person to hatred, bigotry, & domestic terrorism.
This is a fixable issue— but we must take a stand, and that requires knowing what side you’re on.

For me it’s simple, I choose the side of love, acceptance, and freedom for all.

And that’s why I #StandForSachal
You can follow @_imancipation_.
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